
Sunday, April 26, 2015

The best advice I ever received medical concerning cancer

Diagnosis of doctors (oncologist, radiologist, surgeon), and had essentially rejected me "sorry about your luck" and sent me home. The surgeon had casually suggested "try" a label chemo medicine out hoping to make the tumor small enough to try surgery on. My husband doctor and I knew better and were the oncologist.
While believing a long dormancy, I found myself absorbed in the "foxhole prayer"; however, it was far from futile as I began to listen to the "still small voice" that led me by a miracle "link Points "which led to" no evidence of recurrent or residual disease. " First, I got a second opinion and finally had some absolutely miraculous but almost fatal surgery. Second, I took the advice of my doctor friend and started to make my body a place where cancer can not live simply because of these "suspicious spots" remained. Yes, my experience has been that making his body a "cancer-free zone" is quite possible because we have a huge built-in healing mechanism and cancer is a "signal" that the body is desperately calling the 911 for the restoration of health at the cellular level.
So what is the problem on blueberries berries- and not only. Food is not a cure against cancer. Health is the remedy against cancer and berries (and other foods) contains various powerful nutrients restore the health and maintenance of cell molecules of our bodies desperately need to lead healthy living our lives.
By choosing berries, I choose own organic varieties because detoxification is an "anti-cancer function of" major bays. I do not want to neutralize their impact by eating berries exposed to carcinogens in pesticides and herbicides?
Raspberries and strawberries are rich in anti-cancer phytochemicals. Ellagic acid is "most likely to interfere with the development of cancer" and strawberries may be the best source for the nutrient is in the paste rather than seeds. Extracts from these berries "are also able to counter the growth of tumor cells." (P 121 "Food against cancer" by Beliveau and Gingras, both doctorate).
Although ellagic acid in berries has several key mechanisms to increase the cellular defense against carcinogens, Drs. Beliveau and Gingras say in Canada (and other demanding researchers agree), "We discovered that this molecule is a highly potent inhibitor of two proteins essential for the spread of the tumor vasculature, the process of angiogenesis ... or the formation of new networks of blood vessels in tumors. (Ibid.)
Personally, I like the organic freeze-dried black raspberry powder in my homemade yogurt, smoothies, and grains. I also add nuts (walnuts) mainly yogurt and cereals as they are packed with ellagic acid (but not as much that in the bays) and omega 3 essential fatty acids. Studies have shown "significant impact of black raspberry extract" as having an inhibitory effect on cancers of the esophagus, mouth and colon "(Dr. Servan-Schreiber, MD, Ph.D., 119 Anticancer: A New Way of Life).
Let Blueberry my doctor friend recalled, "read about in a medical journal." (Blueberries and cranberries to a lesser extent) are particularly rich in powerful anti-cancer molecules. These molecules are polyphenols (causing the brilliant colors of the fruit). Some of them are powerful antioxidants, but "they may also have a different kind of impact on the development of cancer." (Ibid.p122) It ensures mechanisms to prevent angiogenesis (referenced above) and they stimulate cancer cell suicide or apoptosis.
I think the windows are colorful, delicious and nutritious whether fresh or frozen. Organic frozen varieties are generally available in the market and can be thrown in a rich smoothie anti-cancer foods.
Here's a quick smoothie recipe I like to eat some nuts with crackers (to get the digestive juices flowing): 1 small avocado, a handful of fresh organic spinach, about 1/3 cup frozen organic berries, coconut ice or water aloe vera to fill the spaces. This is a cream, tasty "food to go" that meets your taste buds and your body cells It holds your appetite until the next meal [Note: The avocado green and red fruits give you a little gray to your smoothie but I think it tastes delicious.