Good Health Tips
Anyone can benefit from good health tips. While we are inundated on a daily basis about ways to eat, how to exercise, and things to avoid, it never hurts to remind ourselves of some good health tips. You never know, you may see something new.
Seventeen Good Health Tips
1. Prayer. Prayer should be the most important thing you do every day. Taking time in the morning to pray intentionally is the best way to start the day. And intentionally praying at night is the best end of the day. Prayers of needs and thanksgiving are important.
2. Exercise. Including 30 – 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three days a week, and 30 minutes of weight training exercises two days a week, is widely accepted to greatly improve your overall health.
3. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables. You can easily improve your health by adding fresh fruits and vegetables to your daily consumption. Different studies recommend different amounts, but basically, it’s pretty hard to eat too much of either. Frozen is the next best thing to fresh.
4. Sodium. While sodium is a necessary component of a healthy diet, you should limit sodium intake to 2,400 mg per day. Salt is not the only source of sodium, so you should read the labels of the things you eat and drink.
5. Sugar. Refined, processed sugar should be severely limited in a healthy diet. Natural sources of sugar include fruits and honey. Sugary sodas, juices, candies, and sweets should only be consumed occasionally.
6. Water. Dehydration can cause many ailments, not the least of which is a foggy head. Drinking 8 – 10, 8 oz. glasses of water each day is recommended. Caffeinated and sugary drinks do not generally count.
7. Supplements. While it is preferred that all nutrients necessary for our bodies come from whole foods, it is sometimes impossible. Therefore, taking supplements can be a good way to stay healthy.
8. Regular check-ups. Prevention and early detection are often the keys to a good prognosis in many diseases. Getting regular check-ups by your doctor is an excellent, and often the only, way to tackle both of those.
9. Sleep. It has been well proven that our health suffers when don’t get enough sleep. Adults should get 6 – 8 hours of REM sleep per night. Children should get more depending on their age.
10. Sun exposure. You probably think one of the good health tips is to limit sun exposure. True, but you need sun exposure. The sun is the number one source of vitamin D, which is required for the proper functioning of our bodies. You should always wear sunscreen when getting prolonged sun exposure, but getting in the sun first thing in the morning is an excellent way to energize and start your day.
11. Teeth. For years it’s been known that the health of your teeth affects your overall health. Exercising good oral hygiene is a part of a healthy lifestyle. It’s recommended that you brush at least three times a day, preferably after every meal and floss daily.
12. Air purifiers. The quality of the air we breathe affects our health. Indoor air quality is often very poor, even if you live in a rural area where outdoor air quality is fairly good. Air purifiers help to clean the air we breathe. Generally, those that do the best job are the most expensive.
13. Alcohol and drugs. It’s well known that consuming more than one or two glasses of alcohol a day is bad for your health. To improve your overall well-being, limiting alcohol and avoiding drugs not necessary for illness or disease, is strongly recommended.
14. Smoking. Years of studies have shown that smoking has serious side effects: lung cancer, COPD, asthma, emphysema, and more. In addition, exposing others to second-hand smoke has been determined to cause negative effects as well. So, quit.
15. Clutter. When our houses are cluttered, our minds and bodies become cluttered. We have a harder time performing our regular tasks. In addition, clutter can have a seriously negative effect on our mental health.
16. Seat belts. Wearing your seat belt decreases the likelihood of significant injury in minor accidents, and can save your life in major accidents. Something easily did and hardly noticeable, wearing your seat belt every time you get in the car should be a habit.
17. Time off. We all need time to do nothing. Even vacations can be stressful. To really rejuvenate both mind, spirit, and body you need to take time regularly to decompress. A nap, massage, long soak in the tub, or anything else relaxing that is done regularly will do wonders for your well-being.