
Monday, April 27, 2015

Fitness For Seniors - Take Back Your Health

Health and FitnessHealth and fitness are major concerns for most older people, usually because they have spent decades ignoring these issues. If it yourself, at what age did you decide on your level of fitness was not a priority? Fortunately, in most cases, it is not too late - you can begin to regain your health and fitness at any age!
Treadmills to exercise machines for free weight areas, more and more people are turning 60 regularly in gyms and work regularly. Most marathons these days have athletes aged 60 and over that link, and half-marathons or even more seniors participant. And golf courses, tennis courts, and squash courts are often populated by older people, both for pleasure and to help them get and stay in shape.
But if your fitness is not Senior Extreme Sports, the good news is that you can start much more simply. Health and fitness need exercise, nutrition and sufficient rest to fully recover. But older people do not need to jump into major changes to improve their lives - even small changes add up over time.
What is your current level of activity? If most of your exercise is walking from your couch to the bathroom, take a walk around the block every day would be a good start. If mobility is not a problem for you, how much time has passed since you rode a bike regularly? If mobility is a problem, think instead about the modest exercise - there are many bodyweight exercises and stretches you can do at home without lifting weights.
Or maybe simple, without impact exercises like yoga or tai chi would best suit you. Each can be done at a very basic level of almost all seniors, and you can increase your level as your body adapts. You do not even need to join a class for both - there are many available online or DVD videos that you can follow along with at home. Once again, no equipment is required to begin ...
Your leisure centers at the community? If they have a pool there, you can easily have fun while working on your fitness level, and many classes of pool exercises for seniors as well. Any nervousness you think to start exercising in front of others will most likely fade quickly as you experience the benefits of exercise with other seniors in your community. Socializing with a group of like-minded peers your age will also help you stick with it and increase your sense of accomplishment as you proceed.
And remember, when you are ready physically, the gym will always be there to welcome you! If you want to start lifting weights at home, it's also easier than starting with a pair of dumbbells purchased your store or department store local sports. If you're feeling adventurous, speak to the manager at any local gyms - more personal trainers take special training in working with the elderly (due to the large population of baby boomers), and it will definitely help you Start on the right path if you hire one for at least your first gym sessions. When lifting weights, it is best to start with shorter workouts, lighter and progress from there - you'll be asking your body to move and stretch unknown manner to not too much in the early stages.
As you can see, fitness for seniors can take several paths, and each of them can be started easily and build from just a small initial effort. Take back your health starting today for longer and happier life - the benefits to you are endless!