
Wednesday, January 20, 2016

What is a blood clot

a blood clot

Blood clots can occur under many different circumstances and in many different locations. Blood clots that form in response to injury or wound are useful, as it works to stop the bleeding, which constitutes a real danger in the event of blood did not clot and continued bleeding process. However, there are a number of situations that can cause you to blood clots in vital locations, such as the lungs and brain, and here you will need medical attention. A blood clot forms and nature of the case: blood clots can form inside the small veins near the surface of the skin known as the (superficial phlebitis), which leads to localized redness, pain, and swelling. And rarely causes complications superficial phlebitis, which requires minimal treatment. Unlike blood clots that form deep within the larger veins (causing a stroke) and may cause symptoms and more widely in the affected area, and usually occur in the leg, and can cause more serious problems. Blood clots may result from away from the original source, causing damage elsewhere in the body break. And blood clots resulting from breakage can occur deep vein thrombosis have been up to the lungs, causing a blood clot It is possible for this case to be.