
Tuesday, June 9, 2015

5 Steps to Get Healthier NOW

Keep your beauty

5 Steps to Get Healthier NOW

If you are like most people when you think you focus on changing all the things that have to happen at once and you become overwhelmed by it. It is likely if you're already feeling overwhelmed before you actually made ​​changes that you will not succeed at anything you are trying to change and you give up because it is "too difficult" or "impossible." It's really easy to live in this state of mind. In fact, it is the mindset of default for many people. That does not mean most people are failures, it means that most people are capable of much more than they admit themselves. I find that many people I met and worked with a feeling like they can not get healthier or their ideal body or life because there are just too many things they need to do to achieve this goal. I am always happy to share this trick: when we break big goals into small action steps you will take clear steps towards achieving your goal.

So today I want to share with you five easy steps you can take now to start being healthier and happier you.

1 Drink Up! I know you hear all the time but there is nothing more important to drink enough water for your health. Your body is 75% water and most people do not drink enough to keep hydrated throughout the day. If you find it difficult to drink plain water, watch my YouTube video of how to make your water more exciting here. Always bring a bottle of water with you when you're on the go! And do not forget to drink water first thing in the morning (hint: add lemon to your water is alkaline and oh so delicious)

2 Swap Out - If you're used to eating refined sugar, salty snacks, or drink too much alcohol, find a way to share one of your bad habits on a daily basis. Instead of reaching for the chocolate bar in 15 hours, remember to discuss! Reach an apple that will give you fiber and sustainable energy. If you come home immediately from work and break open a beer or a glass of bad wine, start with a glass of water or sparkling water. I'm not telling you to give up your treats, just to find places where you can have fewer of them. This will make a huge change in how you look and feel. Be patient and remember to swap out!

3 Mix Up Your Workout - If you already work regularly, it's great! If not, do not worry you are always great, but we'll get you moving. Whether you come from the lack of exercise or a non-stop workout regime, it is important to mix. Try something new will help you connect to your body deeper. This connection is very important because the more he gets, the more powerful you become. When you become really attached to your inner body, it becomes much easier to know when you are hungry, when you need to rest and observe cravings and realize where they come from and why form. I urge you to physically out of your comfort zone at least once a week. Even if you try something in your living room, just do it! You'll be glad you did.

4 Make your vegetables the main stars of your plate - This one is huge! If you can choose one meal a day to focus on your vegetables, you start to see and feel results quickly. Cooked vegetables, raw vegetables, grilled vegetables, I do not care what the vegetables are just eating. We lived in a world where meat and rice (or a variation on it) are the main part of the meal. When in reality, the vegetables should be. You do not have to be a vegetarian to eat a lot of vegetables! Make 80% of your full of vegetables at least one meal per day basis, and the other 20% can be any (all) the food of your choice. If you need ideas check my recipes or my Instagram inspired vegetarian meal!

5. some sleep! This, like drinking more water, it is often said. It is so important that I can not make a list to get healthier without it. Create a space in your life for rest and regeneration. If that means you have to cut a t.v. show, and it is. Getting enough sleep will help your body to function properly, it will help your metabolism working optimally, prevent you from premature aging and prevent you from having cravings. People are more likely to eat junk food the next day they have little sleep after a night of good sleep. Every body is different, get to know the number of hours you need, and engage.

Try these five things today and see how you feel different. None of these steps are extreme crazy, you are fully capable of achieving all. These are simple achievable steps that will help you take a big step in the direction of health and happiness.